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Psalm 25

There is no book in the entire Bible like the book of Psalms. It is in this book that we learn the inner thoughts of King David. Though not all the Psalms was composed by him there are enough of his compositions found therein to give us a better understanding of why God would call him a man after His own heart. In this Psalm we learn David's attitude in approaching God and His understanding of God's nature.

David understood much about the nature of the God he served. David knew the God he served was:

1. The possessor of all truth - Vs 5, 10

2. Able to save - Vs 5

3. Merciful - Vs 6-7, 10

4. Full of lovingkindness - Vs. 6

5. Good - Vs. 7-8

6. Upright- Vs. 8

So how does one approach a God with these type of attributes? David knew. One should approach God with:

1. Trust - Vs. 2, 20; "I trust in you"

2. A teachable spirit - Vs. 4-5; "Show me . . . teach me . . . lead me"

3. Patience - Vs. 5, 21; "On You I wait all the day"

4. Humility- Vs. 9; "The humble He guides . . . He teaches"

5. Obedience - Vs 10; "To such as keep His covenant"

6. Respect- Vs. 12, 14; ". . . fear Him."

7. Commitment - Vs. 15; "My eyes are ever toward the Lord"

One can hardly read this Psalm and not be impressed with the incredible God we serve. What an honor and blessing to be given the opportunity to serve one so grand. Truly, when we become impressed with His nature, the requirements for approaching Him are easily attained. Let us never forget the God we serve nor the approach He desires.


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Acts 16

That's what the Philippian jailer wanted to know. Needless to say this account has become THE proof-text for those who preach a "faith only" type of salvation. After all, isn't that what the apostle Paul said, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you shall be saved . . ." Some say, "Well, that's what he said but that's not what he meant." Huh? Care to try that one again? Others say, "He didn't say believe ONLY." Oh. So it's a matter of semantics? Would it be wrong for one to give the same answer Paul gave, today? Absolutely not! The question is not a matter of is it believe or believe only but what is entailed in believing and at what point can it be said that one has believed? I think it interesting to note that even those who say it's believe only don't believe it. "Just believe that Jesus is Lord and ask him into your heart." I'm no English major but that sure looks like two things to me, believe and ask.

Now back to our two questions, both are answered in the example of this Philippian jailer. In verse 31 he is told to believe and in verse 34 he is described as "having believed." So between these verses must lay the answer to our questions. Paul and Barnabas, after telling him to believe, "spoke the word of the Lord to him" (Verse 32). Which would make sense since he would need to know who was Jesus and what was it about this Jesus that he needed to believe. Next a total change in character is seen. He washes the wounds Paul and Barnabas had received (verse 33), where previously he cared little about that, putting them into the dungeon and fastening stocks on their feet (verse 24). Finally, we are told that he was immediately baptized, (verse 35). After all of this, it is stated in verse 34 that he believed.

Summarizing the Philippian jailer hears a message proclaimed, upon believing the message he has a change of heart (repentance) and is immediately baptized. Only AFTER baptism is it stated that he believed. Thus to believe includes hearing, faith, repentance, and baptism. Neither the removing of one (baptism) nor the singling out of another (faith)will do, it's a package deal. One has not performed the type of belief necessary for salvation until all steps are completed. Neither baptizing without faith nor having faith without baptism will save. Is it any wonder than that belief and obedience are used interchangeably? (Hebrews 3:18..9) If one believes, he will obey all the commands of God relative to that subject.


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